Fishing businesses are now eligible with a fishing permit (in lieu of AK business license).
from the State of Alaska website:
Commercial fishermen impacted by COVID-19 who held and fished a Limited Entry Permit or Interim Use Permit issued by the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commissioner (CFEC) and meet the following criteria:
Fishermen who held a Limited Entry Permit or Interim Use Permit in 2019 and 2020, including an embossed gear card, and participated in an open fishery that produced income in 2019
Exception: Card Holders who purchased a Limited Entry Permit for the first time in 2020 must have been a crew member in 2019 that actively participated in an open fishery in Alaska to be eligible.
Exception: Card holders who emergency transferred their permit in 2019, and are actively fishing in 2020 are eligible.
Exception: The temporary permit holder who held Limited Entry Permit(s) by emergency transfer are eligible.
Fishermen who engage primarily in Alaskan fisheries.
Fishermen whose primary business is commercial fishing.
Fishermen with, on average, 50 or fewer full-time equivalent employees.
Fishermen that received a total of $5,000 or less from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) or the SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL).
**Also, businesses that received local /municipal grants may also get the AK CARES grant now.
Who Is NOT Eligible to Apply
Marijuana related businesses
Businesses that are a secondary income source or part time endeavor
Out of State businesses
Business that received and kept more than $5,000 from the SBA’s PPP and/or EIDL programs.
Business with more than 50 full-time equivalent employees (on average).
Businesses that has filed for bankruptcy
Businesses who do not otherwise meet the eligibility criteria.
Commercial fishermen who did not actively fish in 2019.
Commercial fishermen that did not renew their permit and did not receive a gear card for 2020.
Commercial fishermen who hold a permit for a fishery that was closed in 2019 and 2020.
Commercial fishermen that emergency transferred their permit and did not actively fish themselves in 2019 and/or 2020.
Please feel free to have small businesses sign up for no cost advising at if guidance through the application process is needed.