Effective September 15, 2020, the IFA is authorized to issue VETERAN PASSENGER ticketing to qualifying Veterans traveling in conjunction with their healthcare needs.
The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs has renewed a transportation grant to the State of Alaska Department of Military & Veterans Affairs, and the State has advised the Inter-Island Ferry Authority that the IFA has been accepted into the Veteran Federal Transportation Grant Program this year!
Present your current Alaska Driver License or ID card with VA endorsement, Armed Forces of the United States ID Card {Retiree}, 100% Disabled American Veteran (DAV) or VA Healthcare Card to qualify for this no-cost to Veterans travel program. Examples of these IDs can be seen on our Facebook page, on the vessel or at either Terminal.
Escorts are required to get prior authorization to travel from Forrest Powell. Forrest is the Grant Manager and Veterans can contact him at 907-334-0872 or forrest.powell@alaska.gov.
Travel under this Veteran Affairs Transportation Program applies to the IFA’s daily services between Hollis and Ketchikan, and also between our Metlakatla and Ketchikan route anytime we cover the M/V Lituya’s run.